Ru is also developing more language skills and is adding more words to her vocabulary. Eli finally slept through the night! Praise God!! He has done it for two nights in a row so far. We are hoping it is a permanent change!
We are halfway to filing our income tax return :) Ru's SS card came in the mail today so Eli's should soon follow. We did not file them together so that we did not have consecutive numbers. This was the advice given by the very friendly and helpful person from the SS office. We can't wait to pay off our adoption loan! Our state reimbursement came in last week and they awarded us the higher amount since the kids needed to be adopted together (put them into the harder to place category for adoption). So that covered a fourth of our loan and now we hope that we will get enough back from the gov in year one to cover the remainder. we shall see!
We went to the Gurler house music festival on Saturday and had a great time! (sorry no pics). We also went to a wedding renewal that evening and had a great time! We got to see Aunt Audrey and the twins enjoyed themselves immensely. Sunday was a great father's day up in Rockford with my folks. We played dominoes and had pork roast. It was yummy. We are in week 21 of the pregnancy and everything is looking good still. Baby girl is kicking up a storm and making my life oh-so-pleasant! Enjoy the pics!
The view from our place

Tub time anyone?

All the kids are getting SO huge I can't believe it? I bet you can hardly recognize Ru and Eli's baby pics anymore with how big they've gotten
Your kids are just beautiful!
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