Our hosts for this fun excursion were Mark and Alana. They housed and fed us for the week. Thanks for the great hospitality guys! Food was of course awesome and we even got famous Alana cake (Bakin' for God!) Did I mention the dogs? 3 Chihuahuas - Tito, Paco and Lupe. Face lickers extraordinaire. Then, amazingly, a dog just followed Adam and Mark home from Petco over the weekend and now they have Bella - the sweetest most hospitable dog I have met. Eli liked to lead with his lips when approaching the dogs.
This is Paco and Lupe. Tito was in his kennel slepping.

All the kids had a great time playing at their house both inside and out. Here are some candids of the fam.

The pool water was a bit colder than usual because of all the rain they had gotten the week before we came down and the first couple days that we were there. Very brave daddy, very brave.

Noelle and Sarah had a craft time quite a few days. They made visors with foamy stickers this day. They had a fabulous time playing with each other and swimming in the pool!

If we get the pics from child dedication I will post those too. If not, then I will not be posting until after our ultrasound next week on Tuesday. After the ultrasound, we are hoping to announce teh sex of the baby so that we can start working on names. Might do a poll for that one. Names are really hard for us! Have a great week everybody!
wow- looks like so much fun! Eli look so much alike in some pictures - more alike than I remembered them looking! What cuties -all 3 of the.
Looks like a very nice vacation.
Names are also hard for us. I'm still shocked that our children have names at all :-)
They are growing like crazy!!! Wow!
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